Rants and Raves

A Death In Brazil – *****

A Death in Brazil: A Book of OmissionsA Death in Brazil: A Book of Omissions by Peter Robb
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I picked up a copy of this book at Green Apple. The copy I picked up was misplaced in the used mysteries section and I just assumed I was grabbing a fictional mystery set in Brazil. As you can read from the other reviews, it’s a historical account of Brazil and how it’s present (up to the early 2000s) is tied to its not-so-mysterious past.

I had been reading a lot about Brazil recently and this was right up my alley. It’s odd how just picking up a book randomly at the bookstore winds up being tied to the present day woes Brazil is going through- The Rio Olympics problems, World Cup funding shenanigans, Dilma’s impeachment and Lula’s resurgence, and so on.

A Death In Brazil will catch you up on the country’s past and how it’s tied to today.
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