Rants and Raves

Sapiens – ****

Sapiens: A Brief History of HumankindSapiens: A Brief History of Humankind by Yuval Noah Harari
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I liked this book. Harari’s writing style makes it easy for the reader to stay engaged across topics ranging from biology, anthropology, genetics, and history.

I picked this up to read because I heard an interview with Harari speaking about his newest book and I thought I should read this one before I start the newer book (Homo Deus).

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It was good to see some SA Kids playing with Sting last night

Sting and Last Bandoleros at The Masonic on Feb 6, 2017
Sting and Last Bandoleros at The Masonic on Feb 6, 2017

It was nice seeing some kids from my hometown playing with Sting last night at the Masonic. I hadn’t seen or heard of Last Bandoleros before, but I’m looking forward to checking them out more. Plus, they’re from SA!

In other news, I switched earplug brands and tried out some Alpines last night- they were great. And they’re a million times better than generic Hear-os for music.

I’m not bagging on the Hear-o, they’re not made for music, but I usually take a pair with me to concerts.

Here’s a link to Amazon if you want to buy a pair of Alpines. They come with two types of end pieces (the tiny metal bit on the end in that pic).