Currently Inked – mid Feb 25

I try to rotate the pens I’m using periodically but the rotation varies on how much I’ve filled the pens and if I’m enjoying them or not. I usually only fill them halfway, but that’s still a lot of pages to write to exhaust just one of them.
Here’s what’s currently in use- and I have two custom nibs in the rotation, so I’ve been enjoying them even more.
That said- looking at the photo, I should have picked out some more variety with regards to the color palatte.
Currently using:
- London Pen Co – Christopher 13 model with a 1.1 FC nib loaded with Dominant Industries Milky Way Blue. You can’t tell in that photo, but there’s lots of shimmer with that ink.
- Pilot Vanishing Point – F nib – great for work and taking notes quickly without having to fumble with the cap. Loaded with Pilot Iroshizuku Tsuki-Yo
- Lotus Author – with a FC EF SIG nib. It’s a fun nib, good for long form writing. The ink is Colorverse SF Bay.
- Leonardo Mosaico Hawaii with a standard F nib. Really nice and feels “classy”. The ink is Roman Praetorian Blue from Stilo e Stile.
Knowing me I’ll clean these out before the end of the month and will load up other pens.