Rants and Raves

Tour de France Logistics – Cycling Podcast

I know most people aren’t in to biking or the TdF, but if you are then you should check out this behind-the-scenes episode from the Telegraph Cycling Podcast.

Most of the episodes are about specific stage races but they have periodic episodes under the Kilometer 0 section that are bike-related, but not to specific races. That’s where the episode I linked to above is posted.

The episode I linked to is an interview with a truck driver and it’s pretty interesting.

Other Kilometer 0 episodes of note are when they talk to the riders about what books they’re reading (ep6) and an interview with Paul Smith about fashion (ep8).

One other thing- The Cycling Podcast does a great job of covering women’s cycling. They may not dedicate a lot of episodes to that, but when they do it’s very in depth and they have good interviews.

New Blog URL – hopefully it’s temporary (sticky post)

There was an accident with the old blog and I’m still waiting for my ISP to recover the backup files. I’m starting a new instance of WordPress while I wait for those files to be set up. So anyway – here we are.

The new URL shouldn’t matter- most of you come to read the posts via social media/direct links. And the domain name isn’t new so….  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I hope I get the problem with the original DB resolved soon. I’ll let you know when I do.

October ’16 update: still no news from the hosting service. They said they had the files a while back, but I’ve yet to get any news (or the files themselves).