Rants and Raves

So Nude, So Dead – ***

So Nude, So DeadSo Nude, So Dead by Ed McBain
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Every time I finish a Hard Case Crime book I wonder how and when I got in to pulp. I guess it’s officially my guilty pleasure. I have a bunch of them on my e-reader and if I’m on the bus and can’t balance my paper book then I tend to churn through these. Can I recommend them all? Probably not- the women are usually props- sometimes they’re the main character but not all the time. And then there’s the race angle from the period. That said – jazz, drugs, murder, dames, revenge… what’s not to like with that?

View all my reviews

Closing out the 2019 Books

Radical Candor – ****

Had heard about this book for a while but when I got promoted a direct report recommended that I read it. There’s some decent advice in here.

So Good They Can’t Ignore You – ***

There were some interesting chapters and studies in there, but it felt like a really long blog post at times instead of a full book. I’m not sure why I get that vibe, but it stuck with me.

Slow Horses – ***

I enjoyed this quite a bit. The author has published more now, so there’s a series. I may try the second one soon.

My Struggle: Book 1 – ****

Ooof- pretty serious, but well written. I’m not sure I’ll read more in the series unless friends recommend particular volumes.

Anansi Boys – ****

Another enjoyable read. This may have been my first Gaiman novel to read (can that be right?).

Salesguys (or gals)

Violating my policy of blogging about work-y stuff:

I work with a lot of different sales “execs”. I’m not saying it’s a high-turnover job, but I work at a growing company so there have been lots of new folks who’ve come in.

We have a pretty extensive training program for all new employees, but also with the sales team. It’s mostly to make sure they’re “speaking our language” in a way and also are following procedures we’ve set out. We do calls and meetings in a certain way for the most part.

The ones who don’t excel are the ones that start out by saying things internally like – “Hey, I’ve been selling a long time and I know how to do this…” or “I’ve been in this space for quite a while, I’m listening to the training, but on my calls I prefer to do it this way…”. To be fair, they’re eager to start selling, but it’s a flag.

The ones who last and make more sales are the ones that pay attention to the training and then afterwards are always taking notes and going over the transcripts of their past calls. They look to see what went well or what didn’t. They ask themselves “what did the prospect ask about and how did we answer”? Etc. It’s pretty interesting to watch them work.

Friday #deepthoughts