Rants and Raves

I want to like Scoot, but there’s always that ONE GUY

I like the idea behind Scoot, I really do. I even think about renting them every once in a while. But once a week I see someone doing jackass crap on them.

This past weekend Isaw two hipsters on Scoots trying to get on 101. C’mon, Scoots aren’t highway compatible. I know people don’t want to look up CA DMV laws, but it even says that on the Scoot FAQ (see below).

Today’s ONE GUY? Riding in the bike lane, then on the Presidio trail.

I get it- I know the spot is beautiful you can see the sunset, and take great pics.

But get off the damn scooter, leave it parked somewhere legally, then walk over to the bench. Don’t ride on the sidewalk, then the trail and then on the overlook.

Also, I’m old and ranty. And I’m sure I do stuff as a cyclist that annoys people.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Let’s ride our scoots all over! Get off my lawn. TBH – great spot for pics


scoot faq
scoot faq


Today’s Butthead

On almost every commute home, there’s usually a driver that does something dumb at this light on the Embarcadero.

Drive from the far right lane to the left lane? Check
Run the light with an illegal left turn? Check
Run across two train tracks while you do your illegal turn? Check

It was good to see some SA Kids playing with Sting last night

Sting and Last Bandoleros at The Masonic on Feb 6, 2017
Sting and Last Bandoleros at The Masonic on Feb 6, 2017

It was nice seeing some kids from my hometown playing with Sting last night at the Masonic. I hadn’t seen or heard of Last Bandoleros before, but I’m looking forward to checking them out more. Plus, they’re from SA!

In other news, I switched earplug brands and tried out some Alpines last night- they were great. And they’re a million times better than generic Hear-os for music.

I’m not bagging on the Hear-o, they’re not made for music, but I usually take a pair with me to concerts.

Here’s a link to Amazon if you want to buy a pair of Alpines. They come with two types of end pieces (the tiny metal bit on the end in that pic).



Russian Slot Mafia

An interesting read:

Russia has been a hotbed of slots-related malfeasance since 2009, when the country outlawed virtually all gambling. (Vladimir Putin, who was prime minister at the time, reportedly believed the move would reduce the power of Georgian organized crime.) The ban forced thousands of casinos to sell their slot machines at steep discounts to whatever customers they could find. Some of those cut-rate slots wound up in the hands of counterfeiters eager to learn how to load new games onto old circuit boards. Others apparently went to Murat Bliev’s bosses in St. Petersburg, who were keen to probe the machines’ source code for vulnerabilities.

Via Wired

Links for Jan 23-Jan 31

Hey man, where’d you buy those empanadas?!?  I bought them from Venga Empanadas – go check them out on Valencia.

Hey man, where’d you get those co-co-co-things? They’re called COXINHAS and I bought them at – Cafe de Casa

Anything to read this week?

Sure- try: