Rants and Raves

Zero Cool – ****

Another pulp romp. A dangerous dame in Spain. A doctor in over his head. Treasure and treachery…

Turns out this was written by Michael Crichton. I didn’t know Michael Crichton wrote pulp under a pseudonym. It doesn’t surprise me, but I didn’t know.

Decent fun.

Playing with the Brave Browser

I sometimes dabble with different things to try to learn about the technology behind it. An example- a long while back I bough crypto, not to try to get a Lamborghini (yeah, that’s a thing) but just to learn about it. Now that I think about it- I probably got my first crypto from Pridkett… but I’ll have to check. Of course instead of dabbling, I should actually learn a skill like how to write Python scripts, but …

One of the things I periodically look at is privacy-related items or tech. For example, I was playing with running PiHole on a NAS I have in the house (interesting findings, but maybe not enough to blog about). I also recently started looking at the Brave Browser.

I’ve had the browser installed for quite a while, but I always forget to use it. I like the idea behind it and was wondering if any of you use it. Do you tip any blog authors? (not looking for tips, but I am the kind to tip out or donate to sites) Do you have BAT plugins on your site if you run one- wether it’s a blog or a YouTube channel?

Of course, I have a promo link here in case you’re interested in learning more.

First Ride of 2020

I went on a nice ride yesterday. I wasn’t sure of where I was going, but I left the city and headed north to Mill Valley. I wound up heading up the hill to 4 Corners and then back through to SF and home.

It was a bit chilly (for me) but it was really nice out. I’m just glad to be out and riding outside. My mileage has been dropping steadily since going to my current job. I’m not blaming the job, but work commitments definitely play into the riding schedule.

There’s something to be said for just moving… just getting outside and seeing the sights and moving.


So Nude, So Dead – ***

So Nude, So DeadSo Nude, So Dead by Ed McBain
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Every time I finish a Hard Case Crime book I wonder how and when I got in to pulp. I guess it’s officially my guilty pleasure. I have a bunch of them on my e-reader and if I’m on the bus and can’t balance my paper book then I tend to churn through these. Can I recommend them all? Probably not- the women are usually props- sometimes they’re the main character but not all the time. And then there’s the race angle from the period. That said – jazz, drugs, murder, dames, revenge… what’s not to like with that?

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